1.1 Background
In learning English, language skill
and language component are both related. Language skills are classified into
speaking, reading, listening, and writing. While language component covers
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.
Grammar is one of the components of
English language learning, which is commonly focused in most of educational
field. Therefore, the previous applied curriculum for Junior High
School-Competence Base Curriculum (CBC) and also the current developed
curriculum (Curriculum Based School Development) of English view that
grammatical pattern of a language is important. In this case, the presence of
the grammatical component of the language in the applied curriculum is
integrated with the language skills.
Wilkins (1972) in Yandini (2009)
states that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary
nothing can be conveyed”. Therefore, grammar is very important to learn because it can help us to learn a language more quickly and more
efficiently especially for the second language learning. Furthermore, it is
important to learn the use of grammar in learning English as it can support the
learners to be able to produce language well, particularly English.
looking at the importance of grammar itself, the English teacher as the
facilitator of teaching and learning
process in the classroom has important role to improve the students’ grammar
achievement. They have to give a chance to the students to be more active in
the learning process.
To make students become active, teachers
should apply the appropriate methods or techniques in the teaching and learning
process, because the appropriate technique is one of the elements or factors
that should be considered by the teacher to reach the students’ learning
outcome or students’ success in their learning. As Nunan in Ridlo (2005) said
“Knowledge of method is important, because the greater awareness you have of
what you are doing, if you are conscious of the processes underlying the
learning that you are involved in, then learning will be more effectively and
Although the techniques of teaching grammar
have already been conducted by some researchers, but the fact shows that there
are many students who are still poor in their grammar achievement. This problem
seems to be the case experienced by the third year students of SMP Negeri 2
Bau-Bau in learning English grammar. Based on the result of preliminary
research that was conducted by giving 30 items of grammar test, it shows that
the grammar achievement of the third year students at that school are not yet
on a satisfactory level. It is indicated
by the students score in which the mean score of the result of grammar test
from three classes are 5.15, 5.33, and 5.35. According to the classification by
Sayekti (1985:64), score 0-5,9 is low, 6-6,9 is moderate, 7-7,9 is high and
8-10 is very high. Thus, we can conclude that the grammar achievement of the third
year students of SMP Negeri 2 Bau-Bau are not yet on a satisfactory level. Therefore,
teachers need to apply an alternative method to present grammar in classroom.
In this case, they have to create or use a model of teaching and learning
process which could involve the students more than the teachers.
Sharan (1994:326) stated that,
“Cooperative Learning is a group centered and student centered approach to
classroom teaching and learning”. Thus, we can say that cooperative learning is
one of the learning methods that encourages students to be more active or it
can also be said as a method that is make students centered. Thus the
researcher introduced one of the techniques of Cooperative Learning in the
teaching and learning process particularly in teaching grammar namely STAD
STAD is one of the techniques in
Cooperative Learning which involved the students active learning in the
teaching and learning process. According to Slavin (1990) in Sharan (1994) “The main idea behind STAD is to motivate
students to encourage and help each other master skills presented by the
teacher”. So, we can say that this technique focuses on giving motivation for a
group of students in order that they can work together in small group
There have been some studies conducted
about the technique of teaching grammar such as PGR, EGRA, by using reading
text, group work, etc. But there were not the previous researchers who use STAD
technique. Thus the researcher is interested to conduct a research in this technique
in order that STAD technique will be more familiar. Another reasons why the
researcher choose STAD technique in this research because STAD is a simple
technique which consists of five major components, namely class presentation,
teams, quizzess, individual improvement score, and team recognition. Here the
students discuss in a simple way and they are working together to get a good
mark for their team.
The principle problem in the field of
study (SMP Negeri 2 Bau-Bau) indicate that the students are still poor in
grammar and based on the consideration of basic tenses simple present tense,
simple past, simple future, and present continuous still in low level so the
researcher also still focus on those tenses.
To solve the problem the researcher
observed some techniques of teaching grammar. Then, the researcher took one
technique in which she have read from the recommendation of previous STAD
research. Finally she comes to apply STAD technique in teaching grammar on the
class. In this case, the writer will investigate the influence of STAD
technique on the grammar achievement of the third year students of SMP Negeri 2
Bau-Bau. This technique is useful to increase students grammar achievement
because the students can work together to practice their language ability in
which they can exchange information, reinforce each other, give feedback and
also be responsible to their answer in their group.
1.2 Research
The research question of this study was:
Is there any significant effect of using STAD technique on the grammar
achievement of the third year students of SMP Negeri 2 Bau-Bau.
1.3 Objective of
the Study
The objective of the study was to find
out whether there is a significant effect of STAD technique on the grammar
achievement of the third year students of SMP Negeri 2 Bau-Bau.
1.4 Significances
of the Study
This study is hoped to become a reference for the English teachers in applying
STAD technique to increase the students’ grammar achievement.
This study is hoped to become an information resource for further studies who
want to conduct a research by using STAD technique.
1.5 Scope of the
The scope of this study focused on
describing the students’ grammar achievement of the third year students of SMP
Negeri 2 Bau-Bau after being taught grammar through STAD technique. The
material presented was grammar test which consists of Simple Present Tense,
Present Continuous, Simple Past, and Simple Future. The fourth of Tenses were selected
based on the teaching material (Handbook used by school grade IX) and the
Curriculum of KTSP.
1.6 Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this study was: “There
is a significant effect of STAD technique on the grammar achievement of the
third year students of SMP Negeri 2 Bau-Bau.
1.7 Definition
of Term
To avoid misunderstanding of the term
used in this study, the writer provided some definitions as follows:
Cooperative learning is students work together in a small group share and learn
each other.
STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) is one of teaching technique in which
students work in group totally on each division to get success in group.
Grammar achievement is the result of study that reached by the students after
teaching them grammar under STAD technique.
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